CPTSC 2024 Diversity Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to winners of this year’s CPTSC Diversity Scholarship!

This award provides $1000 in travel support as well as a waived registration fee for the CPTSC 2024 conference in Menomonie, WI.

Dorcas A. Anabire is a Ph.D. student in Technical Communication and Rhetoric and a Presidential Doctoral Research Fellow at Utah State University. Her research is at the intersection of design, social justice, and inclusivity in workplace and academic settings. She is particularly interested in exploring how design practices can be used to address social justice issues, enhance usability, and improve user experience and accessibility, especially in cross-cultural contexts and marginalized communities. She also researches inclusive recruitment practices for minoritized students in technical and professional communication programs.

Codi Renee Blackmon (she/her/hers) is a Ph.D. candidate in Rhetoric, Writing, and Professional Communication at East Carolina University. She holds a B.A. in English from the University of Texas at Arlington and earned her M.A. in Professional and Technical Writing from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Her research interests include technical and professional communication, social justice, and race and ethnicity, particularly in digital spaces. Her dissertation questions colorblindness in technical communication to help technical communicators establish digital literacies to comprehend and confront racism.  Her research methods allow for the purposeful, evidence-based examination of online cultures and professional discourse communities to understand and use these concepts. By studying diverse and marginalized knowledges, she purposefully amplifies BIPOC, multiply-marginalized, and Black TPC. She has a forthcoming article in Programmatic Perspectives and was also rewarded a Graduate Research Award from the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW).