Constitution and Bylaws of CPTSC


Approved on November 2, 2021

Article 1: Name

The name of the organization shall be the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC).

Article 2: Purposes

CPTSC is organized exclusively for educational purposes. The primary purposes of the organization shall be to

  • promote programs in technical and scientific communication,
  • promote research in technical and scientific communication,
  • develop opportunities for the exchange of ideas and information concerning pedagogy, programs, research, and career opportunities,
  • assist in the development and evaluation of new programs in technical and scientific communication, if requested, and
  • promote exchanges of information between CPTSC and interested

Article 3: Membership

Membership shall be open to any individual or institution interested in supporting the purposes identified in Article 2. Individuals or institutions whose primary responsibilities or functions are education shall be designated Regular Voting Members. CPTSC does not discriminate, and membership shall be open to interested persons.

Article 4: Structure of the organization

The Executive Committee (EC) shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, plus the immediate past president and four members-at-large, three elected by the membership, and one appointed by the Diversity Committee, all with voting privileges and all serving two-year terms. (The terms of the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Members at Large are limited to no more than to three consecutive terms. The term of President is not consecutively renewable although a former President may run later for a non- consecutive term.)

The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the organization when the organization is not meeting at the annual meeting or at special meetings, except to change the constitution or carry out elections.

Executive committee members are responsible for the smooth operation of the organization.

The Executive Committee shall meet at least every other month or more as appropriate for completing their work, for a minimum of six times a year. These meetings can occur online or face to face. The President may invite non-voting guests to participate as needed to address specific topics.

The officers of the organization shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer with the following duties.

President The President as the legal head of the organization acts as the chief administrator and presiding officer and performs duties outlined in the bylaws.

Vice President The Vice President, assumes the duties of the President in the case of absence, incapacity, or resignation of the President, and performs duties outlined in the bylaws.

Secretary The Secretary is recognized as a legal representative of the organization, acts as the chief recording and corresponding officer and the custodian of CPTSC’s records, and performs duties outlined in the bylaws.

Treasurer The treasurer is recognized as a legal representative of the organization, is responsible for the collection, safekeeping, and expenditure of all funds of the organization, for keeping accurate financial records, and for performing duties outlined in the bylaws.

In the event of a resignation or removal (as described in Article 10) of a member of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall appoint an interim person until a regular election (as described in Article 9) can be held.

Article 5: Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees

Standing committees are listed in the Bylaws.

Standing and ad hoc committees offer opportunities to accomplish work that enhances the purposes of CPTSC and the larger field of scientific and technical communication.

The Executive Committee shall create ad hoc committees and new standing committees as needed.

The Executive Committee shall appoint a Chair or Co-chairs to each standing and ad hoc committee. Members of each committee shall select a secretary. Terms for Chairs and members of standing committees shall be three years, renewable twice.

The Executive Committee shall dissolve ad hoc committees when their work is completed. Dissolving a standing committee requires a vote of the membership at the annual meeting.

Article 6: Business Meetings

The organization shall convene a business meeting as part of the annual fall conference. The location and approximate date of the annual conference shall be determined by vote of members present and voting at the annual business meeting in a previous year.

The annual business meeting shall occur concurrently with the CPTSC annual conference (typically in the fall).

Agenda and previous minutes shall be distributed at least 10 days before the meeting. Topics addressed shall

include at least the next year’s budget, the beginning of terms for newly elected people (every two years), and the location and date of the next conference.

A quorum shall be considered 20% of the members. If a quorum is not reached at the time of the business meeting, the Executive Committee shall arrange for an electronic vote from members within two weeks after the meeting.

All members participating in the annual business meeting may vote. Passage of motions from those participating requires a simple majority of votes except for changes to the Constitution or Bylaws. If an electronic vote is taken later, passage requires a simple majority of the members voting.

For urgent or emergency situations that require an immediate decision, the President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, may call a special meeting of members to transact specified business outside of the annual meeting. The special meeting may be online or in person. All members must be given notice at least 30 days in advance, and the notice must specify the business to be conducted. Any actions to be taken must be specified in the notice. If an action is not specified in the notice, it cannot be discussed or acted on in the special meeting.

Special meetings shall be conducted according to the practices typical of those in the annual business meeting.

Article 7: Financial Practices

The CPTSC fiscal year shall be the calendar year. The Treasurer shall provide the Executive Committee and the membership an annual report of the previous year’s income, expenses, and balances no later than January 31. The annual report for the previous calendar year shall be made available on the CPTSC website.

The Executive Committee in consultation with the Treasurer shall provide a proposed budget of normal operating expenses for discussion at the annual business meeting (typically in the fall) for the next fiscal year.

The Executive Committee shall vote on the next year’s proposed budget at its November or December meeting.

Article 8: Limits

No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article 2. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying out of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (e) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

Article 9: Elections

The Immediate Past President shall chair a nominating committee and shall appoint, in consultation with the Executive Committee, four additional members: one from the Executive Committee and three from general membership, and shall announce committee membership at least six months before elections. The nominating committee shall send out a call for nominations to all CPTSC members at least five months before the election.

Candidates may self-nominate or be nominated by CPTSC members. All current CPTSC members are eligible to serve as members-at-large. However, candidates for Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, and President must have at least five years of relevant professional experience to be eligible to stand for election.

The Nominating Committee shall receive consent from all candidates nominated prior to including a candidate on the ballot. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a ballot with at least one candidate for each position as well as provision for writing in additional nominees.

The nominating committee shall distribute a slate of officers and members-at-large to the membership no later than 60 days prior to the annual meeting. Ballots must be returned no later than 30 days before the start of the annual meeting.

The election of officers and members-at-large to the executive committee shall be by digital ballot. Each current member receives one vote. Proxy votes are not allowed.

Winners shall be determined by a plurality of votes received. In the event of a tie, the Immediate Past President shall oversee a new election for that position only.

Two-year terms for all elected positions shall begin on the date of the annual fall business meeting.

Article 10: Discipline and removal of Executive Committee members and general members

The Executive Committee may remove an elected officer for cause in accordance with the procedures of due process outlined in the bylaws.

For purposes of the removal of an elected officer, “for cause” shall mean:

  • Continued, gross, or willful neglect of the duties and requirements of the elected office or position as described in the bylaws
  • Unauthorized expenditures, inappropriate signing of checks, and/or misuse of organization funds
  • Statements (written, spoken, social media, ) which misrepresent, are in conflict with, or considered detrimental to the integrity, values, and mission of the organization and its officers as outlined on the CPTSC website and other official statements
  • Baseless condemnations of Executive Committee members and/or refusal to cooperate with the Executive Committee’s decision, goals, and priorities
  • Felony convictions

Note: the following conduct is not considered valid cause for removal:

  • Poor performance due to lack of ability or unsuitability to hold office
  • Negligence that is not gross or willful
  • A practice of creating constructive disagreements

Removal of members

The Executive Committee may remove members of CPTSC in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Bylaws for conduct that tends to injure CPTSC or to affect adversely its reputation, harms its members, or that is contrary to or destructive of its purposes and values as described in the CPTSC Constitution.

Article 11: Amending the Constitution

A group of members who constitute at least 10% of total membership may propose constitutional amendments to the Executive Committee who shall decide whether to bring the proposed amendment to members for a vote at the annual business meeting. The Executive Committee can also propose amendments.

The Executive Committee shall send proposed constitutional amendments to the members at least 30 days in advance of the annual business meeting. Members shall discuss the amendment at the annual business meeting. Votes shall be due electronically two weeks after the business meeting. Changes to the constitution must be approved by a two-thirds majority of all members who vote.

Article 12: Amending bylaws

The Executive Committee may propose new bylaws or revisions to existing bylaws. Additionally, a member may propose bylaw amendments to the Executive Committee who shall decide if the proposed amendment will be brought to members for a vote.

Proposals for new bylaws or revisions of bylaws shall be distributed to members at least 30 days before a vote. Votes on bylaws shall occur electronically either at the time of the annual business meeting or at other times during the year as determined by the Executive Committee. Approval of new or revised bylaws requires a simple majority (51%) of members who vote.

Article 13: Dissolution

Upon the dissolution (approved by 85% of current members) of the organization, the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all of the assets of the organization exclusively for the purposes of the organization in such manner, or to such organizations or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purpose as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as the executive committee shall determine. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

Article 14: Parliamentary Authority

All official meetings of the organization shall be conducted according to the most current edition of the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure by Alice B. Sturgis. The presiding officer shall appoint a parliamentarian to advise the assembly at each annual business meeting.



Approved on November 2, 2021

Chapter 1: Membership dues

Membership dues shall be $40/year. Dues are payable at any time and are good for 12 months. To change the amount for membership dues, the proposal for the change needs to be shared with the membership at least 30 days before the annual meeting. A simple majority vote at the annual meeting is required to approve the change in the dues amount.

Chapter 2: Standing Committees

CPTSC standing committees and their purposes include:

  • Administrators: The Administrators Committee’s charge is to develop programmatic and curricular resources for individuals and organizations coordinating professional, technical, and scientific communication academic programs.
  • Assessment: The Assessment Committee is charged with an ongoing need to develop ways and to share ideas to assess programs for a variety of stakeholders. In addition, the committee will determine the needs for future initiatives.
  • Diversity: The Diversity Committee is designed as a forum for scholars in technical, professional, and scientific communication to communicate and collaborate about issues of diversity and social justice that impact our discipline. Ideally, this forum will bring together critical discussions about various types of scholarship, with themes that include (but are not limited to) quantitative and qualitative research, pedagogy, community-based projects, and literature
  • Graduate Students: The Graduate Student Committee (GSC) is charged with developing and establishing activities and programming aimed to make a space for and support graduate students in technical, professional, and scientific writing and communication programs.
  • International: The International Committee is charged with working to facilitate relationships internationally around programs and research in technical, professional, and scientific
  • Research Grants: Aligning with CPTSC’s mission, the Grants Committee solicits and supports research projects that serve technical and scientific communication In doing so, the grants committee considers emerging research needs, recursive research needs, changing programmatic dynamics, and challenges affecting a diverse range of programs and institutions.

The Grants Committee also collaborates with the Diversity Committee for the CPTSC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) grant cycle. The mission of the DEI grants program is to explicitly solicit research related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in technical and scientific communication programs, specifically targeting programmatic research related to multiple-marginalized students and faculty. This grant program also seeks to develop connections between CPTSC and scientific and technical communication programs and scholars at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges, and Hispanic Serving Institutions.

Duties of standing committees include:

  • Provide relevant resources and/or activities to members and institutions
  • Report at least annually to the Executive Committee
  • Keep a current membership list
  • Maintain web content in accordance with CPTSC guidelines
  • Propose initiatives to the Executive Committee for possible action,
  • Keep minutes of meetings and share them in CPTSC’s cloud storage.

Chairs of committees shall report at least annually to the Executive Committee and update the contents of their portions of the CPTSC website. Each committee shall keep records of committee members.

The Executive Committee shall appoint members of the Executive Committee to serve as a liaison, one to each standing committee.

The Executive Committee shall consult with committee members in selecting chairs or co-chairs for each committee. Chairs/co-chairs shall serve three-year terms, renewable twice; co-chairs shall stagger the beginnings and endings of their terms when possible.

Current CPTSC members may volunteer for committee membership at any time, or the Executive Committee may invite them to join a committee. Members shall serve three-year renewable terms. Each committee shall select one member to serve as secretary for that committee.

Terms for the chairs/co-chairs and members of the Graduate Student Committee will be two years owing to circumstances that may differ from non-graduate-student CPTSC members.

Each committee should attempt to retain at least one person from previous committee members to enhance continuity.

Financial responsibility remains with the Executive Committee, but committees may submit proposals to the Executive Committee requesting financial resources for initiatives relevant to their purposes.

Each standing committee shall decide on its frequency of meeting but shall meet at least twice annually.

Chapter 3: Duties of Officers and Other Positions

  • The President shall:
    • Preside at the annual meeting or special meetings of the organization.
    • Represent the organization at official functions.
    • Serve as the chair of the Executive Committee.
    • Designate others to perform duties.
    • Insure financial integrity, in collaboration with the Treasurer.
    • Insure there are two key executives in addition to the Treasurer on CPTSC bank accounts. (Ideally the President will serve in this role, but selection of an alternative second key executive if needed will be approved by the Executive Committee.)
    • Recognize contributions of Executive Committee members, chairs of standing committees, the Webmaster/ Social Media Manager, Editor(s) of Programmatic Perspectives, Conference Chairs (Local Host and Program), and Sponsorship Chair in letters that might to contribute to their annual performance reviews, major reviews, and promotions.
  • The Vice President shall:
    • Perform all the duties of the president in the event of the president’s absence.
    • Serve as managing editor of all CPTSC publications.
    • Assist the webmaster/social media manager and treasurer, including filling in when they are absent and helping to test and document new system functionalities.
    • Develop documentation and processes to support other roles (e.g., Webmaster/social media manager, Treasurer, and Secretary) as needed.
    • Review conference processes and systematically gather feedback from previous conference hosts and the Executive Committee for improvements.
  • The Secretary shall:
    • Record minutes of official Executive Committee and membership meetings.
    • Maintain an up-to-date membership list and mailing lists in collaboration with the Treasurer.
    • Oversee correspondence.
    • Document discussions leading to decisions made electronically.
    • Work with committee chairs and the Treasurer to distribute awards and scholarships.
    • Order award plaques.
    • Work with the Treasurer to manage conference registration.
    • Maintain historical records.
    • Schedule Executive Committee meetings.
  • The Treasurer shall:
    • Handle financial matters of the organization including the receiving and recording of dues and payments, paying the bills of the organization, and handling tax and 501(c)3 documentation.
    • Work with the conference chairs on event, space rental, and hotel contracts and disbursements.
    • Report financial matters to the membership.
    • Work with awardees, research offices, and the CPTSC Grants Committee to distribute grant funding.
    • Work with committee chairs and the Secretary to distribute awards and scholarships.
    • Work with the Secretary to manage conference registration and to document membership.
    • Review proposals that require expenditures to determine the effect on the organization’s finances.
    • Oversee the organization’s non-profit status and provide annual reports to the Internal Revenue Service by the due date.
  • The Members at Large shall:
    • Serve as Annual Conference Program Chairs (two per year)
    • Assist with social media and website updates and development, in consultation with the Executive Committee.
    • Serve as liaisons to standing committees.
  • The Immediate Past President shall:
    • Oversee nominations and elections.
    • Oversee the Distinguished Service Award process.
    • Participate in Executive Committee meetings.
    • Complete work as requested by the president.

Training for Executive Committee members shall include an initial orientation, including Parliamentary procedures, when individuals are first elected. Relevant Diversity, Equity & Inclusion training shall occur every two years after a new Executive Committee begins its term.

  • Journal Editor(s) The Executive Committee shall request applicants and select from those applications for journal editors who shall serve three-year renewable terms.

The Editor(s) of the CPTSC journal, Programmatic Perspectives, shall

  • Produce, publish, and distribute to the membership regular issues of the journal.
  • Maintain archives of the journal.
  • Have one editor participate in regular Executive Committee meetings in a non-voting role.
  • Confer regularly with the Vice President who serves as Managing Editor of all CPTSC publications.
  • Submit the following materials to the Executive Committee
    • A proposed annual budget by August 31
    • Proposals to appoint members of the editorial board
    • A semi-annual financial report
    • Requests for organizational funds for special expenditures
    • Requests for approval to undertake significant change in the make-up, production or distribution of the journal.
  • Website/Social Media Manager(s)

One member at large should serve at least one year in this role. The Executive Committee may request applicants to assist the website/social media manager for a two-year renewable term.

The Website/Social Media Manager(s) shall

  • Provide or revise and implement a strategic and technical vision for effective and sustainable communications, which include
    • Developing multiple avenues for membership participation and communication such as the CPTSC listserv, the CPTSC diversity listserv, and social media venues
    • Keeping the website and social media functional and secure
    • Updating the website and social media regularly with material from various entities within CPTSC.
  • Assist standing committee chairs in updating their committee’s portion of the website.
  • Assist the annual conference organizers in sharing conference information on the website.
  • Report the status of the website and social media to the Executive Committee regularly.
  • Submit a report to the Executive Committee at least 30 days before the annual meeting.
  • Confer regularly with the Vice President who serves as Managing Editor of all pubilcations.

Chapter 4: Annual Conference

The Executive Committee shall solicit proposals for hosting the annual fall conference at least one year in advance and shall choose a site based on the guidelines present on the CPTSC website. (At its discretion, the CPTSC Executive Committee may choose to hold the conference online.)

Two members at large shall head the Program Committee each year. In consultation with and on behalf of the Executive Committee, they shall choose a theme, solicit proposals, arrange for reviews of proposals, inform presenters of acceptances and rejections, arrange the sequence of presentations, and create and distribute a program, along with other relevant duties. They shall work with the Web Manager/Social Manager(s) to distribute relevant information.

One person from the host institution shall serve as a liaison to the Executive Committee and the heads of the Program Committee. The local host shall make venue arrangements and work with the Treasurer on financial responsibilities related to hosting. That person shall also work with the Web Manager/Social Media Manager(s) to distribute relevant information.

The Secretary and Treasurer shall collaborate to update membership lists to ensure that conference participants are current members.

Consistent with CPTSC’s commitment to anti-racist work and social justice endeavors relevant technical and scientific academic programs, annual conferences should include tracks and/or events on related topics, preferably by presenters from under-represented and/or marginalized groups. In choosing conference dates, planners shall also avoid scheduling during religious or cultural holidays.

The Executive Committee may appoint one or two people to solicit sponsorships for the annual conference, and those people shall work with the Treasurer on tracking funds received. They shall also work with the Program Committee and the local host to ensure that sponsorship listings are include in the conference program and at relevant sites at the conference.

Chapter 5: Minutes of Executive Committee meetings and annual business meetings

The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping, distributing, and archiving meeting minutes that include at least:

  • kind of meeting
  • date of meeting and place
  • attendance
  • approval of last meeting’s minutes
  • all motions and the results of votes, including the name of the person introducing the

Meetings may be audio/video recorded to assist in creating minutes, but these recordings should not be archived.

Full Executive Committee minutes shall be sent to the Executive Committee and archived in CPTSC’s cloud storage. Information about Executive Committee motions passed shall be sent to membership.

Annual Business Meeting minutes in an unapproved form shall appear in each year’s conference proceedings. Members will vote for their approval at the next annual meeting. These minutes shall record amendments to the constitution and changes to the bylaws since the last Annual Business Meeting.

Chapter 6: Process for removal of persons in elected positions and of members

The Executive Committee may remove a person from an elected position for cause (as listed in the Constitution) in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. Three Executive Committee members or ten percent of active membership shall sign a petition for removal stating specific charges against said elected
  2. The Executive Committee (excluding the person being considered for removal) may approve the action by a 2/3 vote by secret ballot. This vote may be taken at any regular or specially called meeting of the Executive
  3. The person considered for removal must be notified in writing with a statement of reasons at least 30 days prior to an Executive Committee meeting, and they shall have the right and opportunity to be heard by the Executive Committee prior to the final vote and action. In a hearing at that meeting, the petitioner(s) shall be heard The elected person considered for removal shall be heard second, and no rebuttals shall be permitted.
  4. A two-thirds vote by secret ballot of all members the Executive Committee at the end of this meeting shall be necessary for removal.
  5. If the vote for removal fails, the member shall remain on the Executive Committee to the end of their term and shall be eligible to be a candidate in future
  6. If the vote for removal passes, the person shall be removed from the Executive Committee immediately, their duties temporarily reassigned to other members, and a special election shall be called to fill the vacant position. The removed person is not eligible to seek election in the

Removal of members

A member may be removed from CPTSC in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. Specific charges and substantiating evidence, consistent with the causes for removal stated in the Constitution, shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the CPTSC and signed by at least five members of
  2. The Secretary shall immediately forward the documented charges to the President, who shall determine that the members submitting the charges are aware of the gravity of the actions and the procedures to be
  3. The accused member shall be notified of the charges by the President and offered a choice of one of the following options to be completed in writing within 30 days of receiving the notification:
    • The accused member may
    • The accused member may request a hearing by the Executive

If the accused member does not respond, they forfeit their membership in CPTSC.

  1. After reviewing the member’s response, the Executive Committee shall vote on an option from this list:
  2. Dismiss the accusation
  3. Censure the member
  4. Remove the member

A two-thirds vote by secret ballot of the members of the Executive Committee shall be required to proceed with option a or c. Option b may happen if a 2/3 majority of the Executive Committee does not vote for a or c.

A removed member is not entitled to a refund of membership dues.

After a minimum of five years have passed from the removal, the removed person may apply in writing to the Executive Committee for readmission. The application must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Executive Committee to reinstate the member.

Chapter 7: Financial processes

The Treasurer shall use the cash method of accounting.

The Treasurer and President (or designee) shall be listed as key executives on all financial accounts. After installation of new officers, the process of updating names on the accounts shall begin immediately.

Normal operating expenses that are typically part of the annual budget may include mailing expenses, web hosting expenses, the annual conference, research grants, scholarships, awards, and cloud storage.

For expenses outside the usual amounts, the Executive Committee shall consider and approve a proposal. Major changes in regular expenses need approval by the Executive Committee.

The Treasurer shall provide

  • bi-monthly financial reports that include income, expenses, and cash on hand to the Executive Committee,
  • year-to-date reports to the membership at the annual business meeting, and
  • annual reports of the previous fiscal year by January 31 of the following

The Executive Committee shall engage an auditor every three years to review financial records and transactions, and to ensure compliance with legal regulations. The auditor’s report shall be made available on the website.

To maintain the 501(c) 3 non-profit status of the organization, the Treasurer shall: