Programmatic Perspectives Call for Special Issue Proposals: Deadline March 29, 2024
Programmatic Perspectives invites proposals for a special issue to be published in late fall 2024. This themed issue will be developed by a guest editor or editors to support the journal’s mission of engagement with current topics about administration and pedagogy in the field of technical and professional communication (TPC).
Proposals should provide a descriptive rationale of 500-1000 words and a list of potential authors. The rationale should demonstrate and explain the timeliness of the topic, how the topic falls within the scope of Programmatic Perspectives, and how the topic is relevant to contemporary scholarship. In addition, please note the qualifications of the guest editor(s) to engage with the topic.
Potential topics for special issues may include:
- Artificial Intelligence
- User experience
- Mentoring
- Accessibility
- Program/field history
- Social justice/DEI
- Internships
- Service learning
- Curriculum development
- Strategic external partnerships
- Recruitment
- International topics
- Scholarship of teaching and learning
Proposal Deadline: March 15 March 29, 2024 (extended!)
Please submit proposals by email to the Programmatic Perspectives Co-Editors.
We’ll be happy to answer questions!
Rhonda Stanton
Russell Kirkscey
Programmatic Perspectives Co-Editors