CPTSC 2022 Annual Conference Call for Proposals
Theme: The Opportunities and Challenges of Program Administration
Conference Date: 27-29 October, 2022
Location: University of Colorado – Colorado Springs
Deadline for Proposals: 1 May 2022
The number of programs in technical and professional communication has grown rapidly in the last decade, and to meet this growth, programs and departments have called upon colleagues – often those without extensive experience in program administration such as junior faculty and those not in tenure-line positions — to bear the responsibility of daily management. While other professions often provide structured mentorship and professional development opportunities for junior employees to evolve into leadership positions, higher education, by contrast, has normalized the practice of assigning leadership responsibilities upon those who might not yet be prepared either through training or with the practical experience and institutional authority to succeed as fully as they might. This is especially the case for scholars from marginalized backgrounds, who are frequently assigned leadership responsibilities in diversity and inclusion without adequate support and compensation.
This year’s CPTSC conference is dedicated to challenging this paradigm by welcoming presentations, panels, posters, and workshops on the pragmatic issues that program administrators face as they manage, lead, and develop their programs. In particular, we seek to create a dialogue among those who have deeper experience with program administration and new, diverse voices and perspectives that might suggest alternative perspectives for meeting the daily needs of program administration.
Presentation (Individual, Panel & Poster) and Workshop Possibilities
The list below provides possible topics that program administrators regularly face as they lead programs, although the list is not exhaustive (more detailed information is available on the conference website):
- Assessment
- Budget management
- Building corporate / community partnerships
- Course modalities
- Curriculum development
- Faculty recruitment, hiring, and retention
- Fundraising
- Managing “up”
- Scheduling and course management
- Self-care
- Student recruitment and retention
- Strategic planning
Proposal Formats
Proposals are invited for the following kinds of presentations at the conference (more detailed information is available on the conference website):
- Individual Presentations
- Panel Presentations
- Posters
- Workshops
Individuals may present in only ONE individual, panel, or poster presentation, although individuals might participate in both a workshop and one individual, panel, or poster presentation.
Proposal Submission Process
All proposals should be submitted via the online submission portal available on the conference website: http://2022conference.cptsc.org/ (select “Submit Proposal”).