Programmatic Perspectives Announces Call for Special Issues

Programmatic Perspectives

Call for Special Issues

Programmatic Perspectives invites proposals for special issues—a themed publication developed by a Guest Editor to help the journal engage in current conversations about administration and pedagogy in the field of technical and professional communication (TPC).

Proposals should provide a descriptive rationale of 500-1000 words and a list of potential authors. The rationale should demonstrate the timeliness of the topic, discuss how the topic falls within the scope of Programmatic Perspectives. In addition, the proposal should situate itself within relevant contemporary scholarship and note the qualifications of its guest editor  to speak to the field on the topic’s behalf.

Potential topics for special issues could include:

  • Mentoring
  • Accessibility
  • Program/field history
  • Internships
  • Service learning
  • Curriculum development
  • Strategic external partnerships
  • Recruitment
  • International topics
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning

Deadline for proposal submission: Dec. 15, 2021

Please submit proposals electronically to: Lora Arduser and Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch at and